Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Back to lifffffeee, Back to Reality!

For those of you that don't follow my facebook page religiously, I have had some BIG changes happening!

I really am starting to realize how vital my mom is to my life...and what a spaz I am about her well-being. I love her with all of my heart. Even though her and my dad had a VERY nasty divorce, she has been there WHENEVER I needed her. She will cuddle in bed with me while I cry, she tells me that he's up in heaven looking down on me and that if he had any say...he wouldn't have left. She has been my rock.

The death of my dad really threw me for a loop. What kind of "God" would take away one of the most important people in my life?! That has been the topic of SEVERAL spiritual advising sessions. (Thanks Pastor Jen and P.M.) I miss him every day and not a day goes by that I don't think about him. On Mother's Day, my grandma got 3 missed calls from his cell phone... 3! It's funny...once you stop looking for signs, they pop up EVERY WHERE!

I think that my "gift" from my dad is the guardian angel that he sent me, Brandon. Emails led to the start of the last three weeks of fun and romance. Brandon and I are the male and female versions of each other! He had a Grade 4 Glioblastoma Multiforme on the right side of his brain, whereas mine was on the left. I was never given a prognosis, but Brandon gives me so much hope. We could have an hour long conversation about NOTHING. I love his family, I love how EVERY DAY he makes time for me, he has a job and we have conversations about saving money for "rainy days", whatever that looks like. Ahhh... I'm in love. :)

I applied for a job for a summer day camp. I interview for it on Thursday. Fingers crossed. AND I FINALLY GET MY CAR BACK BECAUSE I'M BEING PUT BACK ON THE INSURANCE!

Life is good.

1 comment:

  1. Kirsten, I seriously admire you! You are such a positive, beautiful person inside and out.
