Saturday, November 12, 2011

It's been a while....

To be completely honest, it has been a non-eventful 3 1/2 week break from treatment. Usually, I would do something extravagant like buy a plane ticket to Chicago or take up tennis-I am SO relieved that there has been absolutely NOTHING to do! The first week and a half was weird as I could literally feel the poison leaving my body; my bones felt gummy like when you leave chicken bones out for too long.I've been noticing that the radiation seemed to have fried my "brain-mouth" filter. For the last 3 weeks, I've been noticing that I say WHATEVER is on my everyone-which is really embarrassing when you are talking to your grandma about the size,color,and frequency of your bowel movements. :)

Moving right along, I've had to take more medication than I initially wanted to because the neuropathy in my feet has been more painful than I could have ever imagined! I can't complain, because at least the radiation and worst of chemotherapy is finished! Wahooooooo! This past weekend, I went up to the lake house that sits on Lake Nacimiento and overlooks part of the lake. It was a really nice change of atmosphere for me! This was the first time that I had been healthy enough to travel, so that was especially cool for me.

I regret to inform you of a loss in my life this week. Ever since I lost my hair, my world just hasn't been the same...I felt like something was missing--because DUH! Then it happened-my first baby hair sprouted up and it was like I had a child! I was so happy! I showed my longest pride and joy off to everyone I met. Then one night after admiring her beauty, I took a shower, and she became a victim to the drain. RIP Godiva!

On a happier note, my blood counts are sllloooowwwwwly recovering and I have my first scans since treatment next Wednesday (nervous, yet trying to be confident). Will know the next course of action at that point! Of course, I will let you all know the details of all that comes!

Thank you all for all of your continued love and support!

Peace, Love, and as many calories as you want!